curious farm pickles

curious farm picklesI am ridiculously excited to tell you that Curious Farm Pickles are tasty, fine, legal, and ready-to-mingle.

To begin, we have three varieties:  Classic, Spicy Dill, and Summer 2010.   For a special introduction, each 32 oz. jar is $7

These pickles are the real deal.  The cucumbers ferment in spiced brine for several days before they’re jarred.    Curious Farm Pickles are a “live food” that must stay refrigerated.  They probably won’t last this long at your house, but the pickles will be ready for your next BBQ a full year after purchase — as long as you keep them refrigerated.  In fact, their flavor may improve .


Wait until you taste the spiced crabapple jelly!  This is my vision for our small farm:  I want us to grow bounty and preserve that bounty, and I want to be able to share as much of that with you as possible.

Certifying the kitchen — so that I can bring these pickles to you (and the preserves to come) —  has been quite a challenge.  The jars in the photo above are my first fruits.

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